Cook County government has reached a crossroads and we
now have a unique opportunity to address critical needs
for our communities. I will work tirelessly to focus on reforms
that facilitate government transparency, sufficiency, and most of all accountability
to the people. In using my extensive and diverse experience in public service,
philanthropy, and the private sector I will advocate for comprehensive community and economic development initiatives that foster both growth and sustainability.
As Cook County Commissioner I accept the challenge and responsibility to advance the most critical solutions for 4th District residents and I am fully committed to partnering with key stakeholders to address the following areas:
Community Engagement and County Resources
It is vital that all Cook County residents have fair and equal access to county services, programs, and initiatives and I will ensure that these resources are adequately utilized by 4th District residents to bring about positive outcomes.
The focal point of our early community outreach effort is to provide 4th District communities with several workshops, seminars, and town hall meetings that
allow all residents to understand and become knowledgeable about Cook
County resources.

Criminal and Juvenile Justice Reform
I will advocate for a fair and sensible criminal justice system that provides a fiscally sound approach to maintaining public safety and aggressively implements effective rehabilitative services and programs for incarcerated offenders as well as those on parole.
I am a strong supporter of community-based alternative programs that help reduce recidivism and lower detention center costs.
In order to develop healthy communities I believe that Cook County
must implement a service delivery system that focuses on primary
and preventive health strategies.
It is critical to the 4th District to address traditional health challenges
and illnesses that disproportionately effect minority communities.
In order to serve and provide healthcare for the most vulnerable
residents, Cook County must maximize the intended objectives of
the CountyCare Medicaid Program.
Public Health Services

Cook County residents should embrace and fully utilize the county’s forest preserves. I will strongly advocate for expanding environmental education and recreational opportunities. Equally important, I want to ensure that forest preserves in minority communities receive equal resources and funding.